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  • “The Controversial Legacy of Edmund Andros: Exploring the Truth About This 17th Century Governor”
March 20, 2023


Edmund Andros was a British colonial official who lived in the late 17th century and played a significant role in colonial American history. He famously served as the governor of the Dominion of New England, a region that included several colonies in present-day New England. Despite his legacy being somewhat controversial, there is much to explore regarding his life and times.

Section 1: Who Was Edmund Andros?

Edmund Andros was born in London in 1637 and came from a family with a long history of service to the British crown. His father was a royal courtier and his grandfather had been a soldier under King Henry VIII. As a young man, Andros joined the army and served under the Duke of York, who would later become King James II. He impressed his superiors with his courage and strategic abilities, which helped him secure a series of high-ranking positions in the colonial administration.

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Section 2: Edmund Andros and New England

In 1686, King James II appointed Andros as the governor of the Dominion of New England, a region that included the colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Plymouth. Andros’ job was to carry out the king’s orders, which included enforcing stricter rules and regulations on the local colonists. Many people resented Andros’ authority, especially in Massachusetts, where the Puritan colonists had long enjoyed a certain degree of self-rule.

Section 3: The Andros Era and its Consequences

Andros’ time in New England was marked by controversy and conflict. He was seen as an authoritarian figure who tried to impose his will on the colonists, often using harsh methods. He levied taxes, imposed strict trade regulations, and restricted town meetings. These actions led to widespread anger and resentment among the colonists, who began to organize protests and uprisings against Andros’ rule.

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In 1689, the colonists finally had enough and revolted against Andros. He was arrested and taken into custody, and the Dominion of New England was dissolved. This event marked a turning point in colonial American history and set the stage for the eventual revolution against British rule.

Section 4: Andros’ Positive Impact on the Colonies

Despite his controversial legacy, Edmund Andros also had some positive impacts on the colonies he governed. He revived the economy of Massachusetts, reestablished the use of currency, and expanded trade relations with other colonies. He also made efforts to establish better roads and infrastructure, and promoted religious tolerance. These actions helped pave the way for greater economic and social development in New England.

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Section 5: Andros’ Negative Impact on the Colonies

On the other hand, Edmund Andros’ authoritarian rule had many negative impacts on the colonies as well. He restricted individual freedoms and violated the colonists’ rights by imposing taxes without their consent, suspending their local governments, and limiting their ability to engage in trade. These actions led to a loss of trust and respect among the colonists, and ultimately contributed to his downfall.

Section 6: Andros’ Trial and Final Years

After his arrest in 1689, Edmund Andros was sent back to England to stand trial for his actions in New England. Although he was ultimately acquitted, he never returned to America and spent the rest of his life in relative obscurity. He passed away in 1714 at the age of 77.

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Section 7: FAQs

Q1: Was Edmund Andros a popular governor?
A1: No, Edmund Andros was not a popular governor. He was seen as an authoritarian figure who tried to impose his will on the colonists, often using harsh methods.

Q2: Why did the colonists revolt against Andros?
A2: The colonists revolted against Andros because they resented his authority and his attempts to impose stricter rules and regulations on them. They felt that he was violating their rights and restricting their freedoms.

Q3: What were some of the positive impacts of Andros’ rule?
A3: Some of the positive impacts of Andros’ rule included the revival of the economy, the expansion of trade relations, and the promotion of religious tolerance.

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Q4: What was the Dominion of New England?
A4: The Dominion of New England was a British colonial region that included the colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Plymouth. It was established by King James II in 1686.

Q5: What was Andros’ legacy?
A5: Edmund Andros’ legacy was somewhat controversial. He was seen as both a tyrant who violated the colonists’ rights and a governor who tried to revive the economy and promote social development in New England.

Q6: Did Andros have any family?
A6: Yes, Edmund Andros was married twice and had several children. His second wife was Elizabeth Craven, with whom he had two daughters.

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Q7: Why did Andros never return to America?
A7: It is unclear why Edmund Andros never returned to America after his trial in England. Some historians speculate that he simply lost interest in the colonies or was disillusioned with his experiences as a colonial official.


In summary, Edmund Andros had a complex legacy that is still debated among historians today. He was a governor who tried to establish more centralized control over the colonies, but also a figure who violated the colonists’ rights and freedoms. While some of his policies had positive impacts on New England, his authoritarian rule ultimately led to his downfall and contributed to the eventual revolution against British rule. Whether you see him as a hero or a villain, Edmund Andros remains a fascinating figure in colonial American history.

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